
이전 검색
해리성 경련
  • 대분류 [F44] 해리[전환]장애
용어 및 속성
[신체부위] 정신
[표제어] 해리성 경련
[용어] 간질발작과 그 운동양상이 비슷하지만 혀를 깨물거나 떨어져 타박상을 입거나 요실금은 드물고, 의식은 혼미나 최면상태가 되거나 또는 이들이 서로 교체된다.
[표제어] Dissociative convulsions may mimic epileptic seizures very closely in terms of movements, but tongue-biting, bruising due to falling, and incontinence of urine are rare, and consciousness is maintained or replaced by a state of stupor or trance.
[표제어] Dissociative convulsions may mimic epileptic seizures very closely in terms of movements, but tongue-biting, bruising due to falling, and incontinence of urine are rare, and consciousness is maintained or replaced by a state of stupor or trance.