
이전 검색
정신질환 후의 지속적 인격변화
  • 대분류 [F00-F99] Ⅴ. 정신 및 행동 장애(F00-F99)
  • 대분류 [F60-F69] 성인 인격 및 행동의 장애(F60-F69)
  • 대분류 [F62] 뇌 손상과 질병이 원인이 아닌 지속적인 인격변화
용어 및 속성
[신체부위] 정신
[표제어] 정신질환 후의 지속적 인격변화
[용어] 심한 정신과질환으로부터의 외상성 경험과 관련된 적어도 2년간 지속되는 인격변화. 이러한 변
[표제어] Enduring personality change after psychiatric illness
[표제어] Personality change, persisting for at least two years, attributable to the traumatic experience of suffering from a severe psychiatric illness. The change cannot be explained by a previous personality disorder and should be differentiated from residual schizophrenia and other states of incomplete recovery from an antecedent mental disorder. This disorder is characterized by an excessive dependence on and a demanding attitude towards others; conviction of being changed or stigmatized by the illness, leading to an inability to form and maintain close and confiding personal relationships and to social iso-lation; passivity, reduced interests, and diminished involvement in leisure activities; persistent complaints of being ill, which may be associated with hypochondriacal claims and illness behaviour; dysphoric or labile mood, not due to the presence of a current mental disorder or antecedent mental disorder with residual affective symptoms; and longstanding problems in social and occupational functioning.