[C00-D48] Ⅱ. 신생물(C00-D48)
[D37-D48] 행동양식 불명 또는 미상의 신생물(D37-D48)
- 용어 및 속성
- [신체부위] 혈액/림프
- [표제어] 진성 적혈구증가증
- [용어] 진성 적혈구증가증은 ICD-O 제3판에서는 행동양식분류번호 /3인 악성 형태분류번호로 재
- [표제어] Polycythaemia vera has been reclassified in ICD-O Third Edition with a malignant code. The code D45 will continue to be used, although it is located in the chapter for Neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour. The modification of its classification is reserved to the revision of ICD.
- [표제어] Polycythaemia vera has been reclassified in ICD-O Third Edition with a malignant code. The code D45 will continue to be used, although it is located in the chapter for Neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour. The modification of its classification is reserved to the revision of ICD.